Procurement and
Construction Firms
Simplify microgrid deployment
The Heila EDGE® platform equips EPCs with a configurable and user-intuitive solution for simplified microgrid deployment and seamless DER integration to deliver monitoring and analytics, control and optimization, and operation and maintenance.
Optimize DER systems
The Heila EDGE lets EPCs control real and reactive power across multiple distributed energy resources and operational scenarios and coordinate grid support capabilities of inverter-based DERs under control.
Mitigate project risk
The Heila EDGE standardizes highly customized DER systems to ensure widespread DER asset interoperability, streamlined system scalability, and consistent project repeatability.
Mitigate project risk
The Heila EDGE standardizes highly customized DER systems to ensure widespread DER asset interoperability, streamlined system scalability, and consistent project repeatability.
Improve energy resilience
The Heila EDGE enables automatic islanding from and re-synchronizing with the utility grid. The platform’s local control capabilities allow the system to continue operating in the event of lost external communications.
Deploy a trusted solution
Heila’s backed by a company with an extensive history, and our partnership with Kohler provides the industry leadership and history for project developers to know they’re deploying a trusted solution.